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Archive for June, 2015

Horse Racing: Winning By Design And Not Luck And The Illusion Of Easy Money In Racing

Fri ,26/06/2015

There are two ways to make money in racing: (1) by luck. (2) by design. The majority of players make money by luck or not at all. To make money by design is difficult and precision must be used at every step to do so. The game is purposely made complex and difficult by the track administrators and race designers to keep racing as a business going. It’s already hard and complex without their help. To profit by design takes work and know how that can take years to learn under almost all circumstances. Outside of just plain luck making easy money in racing is an illusion.

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Horse Racing: The Secret Of The Two General Ways To Handicap Races

Thu ,18/06/2015

There are two general ways to handicap races: (1) each race one by one individually and personally. Each one is handicapped with concentration on each internal aspect and it’s then decided whether or not to pass or play that specific race. (2) Statistically: you learn by sampling 100’s to 10’s of 1,000’s of races to find the patterns to win or lose streaks and find the most powerful handicapping method(s) per each field size, per each order of finish position, per each wager type chosen, per each race type (optional), etc. This way the handicapper misses as little as possible.

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What Does It Really Take to Be a Successful Handicapper and Horseplayer

Mon ,15/06/2015

Sooner or later all horseplayers ask themselves one question. Does anyone really make money playing the horses? By that we mean a steady profit and staying ahead for the long term. You may know someone who seems to make a profit. He or she brags about big hits and whenever you’ve seen that person at the race track or OTB they seem to be winning. However, there’s that nagging doubt that though he or she seems to be hitting a lot, you wonder how much he or she is wagering.

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What Part Does Intuition Play In Horse Racing Handicapping

Mon ,15/06/2015

We’ve all seen the ads with 800 numbers and 900 numbers for psychics who can tell your future and solve your problems. Makes you wonder why these clairvoyant don’t just play the lottery, doesn’t it? The truth is that it’s very difficult to predict the future and make a profit from it. On the other hand, that’s just what handicappers do when they handicap horse races. Who wouldn’t want to be a psychic handicapper and just look into a crystal ball or read Taro cards to find the winner of the next race?

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How to Find the Best Horse Racing Bet Using the Pools

Thu ,11/06/2015

A good horse player has to be a good shopper to make a profit betting on horses. It isn’t enough to be able to handicap a race and to determine who the contenders are. The person who would make money betting on horse races must also understand odds and probability. You may also add money management skills to that short list of necessary skills for the handicapper that manages to beat the races.

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Horse Racing: The Secret Of The Two General Types of Pass Or Play

Thu ,11/06/2015

There are two major divisions to racing: handicapping and profitcapping. Each one have its own pass or play forms. The former’s pass or play is about whether a race is handicapable or too contentious and have no clear winners that can be found. The latter’s pass or play is about whether a race is profitable or not by studying the tote odds. Handicapping uses methods to select horses and profitcapping uses methods to determine return on investment to seek value and price.

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Horse Racing: How To Grasp Why Racing’s A Statistical Game

Fri ,05/06/2015

Racing’s been around in the U.S.A. over a 100 years and every single day a race takes place. That’s 100 years times an average of 8 races per day times an average of 100 tracks over that time span. The number of races reaches into the 10’s of millions over that time period. This is still going on. This makes racing a STATISTICAL game. Because samples in the 10’s of 1,000’s of races can be taken of any aspects and elements which makes the most basic methods of statistics some of the most powerful of racing research tools. The game is made of two major statistically oriented divisions: handicapping and profitcapping.

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Handicapping Big Races Such As the Belmont the Final Jewel in the Triple Crown

Thu ,04/06/2015

When handicapping run of the mill races such as claiming races and allowance races I often look for horses that aren’t in the race to win. Looking at the races the horse has run a handicapper can often spot the horse that is in for training or exercise. Trainers regularly use races to condition their horses and to work on improving their racing ability by working on their bad habits.

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Dynamic Horse Racing Handicapping Points and Angles

Wed ,03/06/2015

Dynamic horse racing factors are those which change according to how the race shapes up while it is being run. They may change in a moment and most success or failure depends on those factors. An example is pace. Another factor that is both dynamic and beyond the control of the human population is the weather. You may handicap the races the night before and expect a fast track based on a weather forecast. Like most weather forecasts it is nebulous and sure enough, the track is sloppy by the time the race is run.

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Using Key Races and Trainer Angles to Handicap

Wed ,03/06/2015

Sometimes a race will seem so fast or demanding that the runners are considered to have put forth an effort that is above and beyond the usual for their class. When some of the horses from the key race run again they often win. If three horses come out of a race and win the next contest they are in that’s a very good sign. Any other horse that raced competitively in that key race should be given special consideration.

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